
The Partners at Delta Executive Search, are proud to announce its membership in the Saudi British Joint Business Council (SBJBC)

The Saudi British Joint Business Council, a prominent organization dedicated to promoting and strengthening business ties between Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom, provides a vital platform for companies to collaborate and explore opportunities across various sectors

By joining SBJBC, Delta Executive Search aligns itself with an esteemed network of business leaders, policymakers, and industry experts committed to enhancing trade and investment between the two nations

Membership of the SBJBC reflects the firms continued dedication to the Saudi market and a further deepening of its engagement with key stakeholders in Saudi Arabia and the UK


Delta Executive Search has established itself as a trusted advisor to some of the world's leading financial institutions in Saudi Arabia having been active in the market since 2006. The firm has been instrumental in both establishing offices for global asset managers and investment banks as well as building out C suites, investment banking teams, asset management investment verticals and business development teams

Alongside the firms international client base Delta Executive Search has hired extensively across Sovereign and Government related entities, leading local financial institutions, family offices and corporates in Saudi Arabia

Next steps

In line with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, the ambitious plan to diversify the economy and reduce its dependence on oil, Delta Executive Search is committed to supporting the Kingdom's goals by helping businesses, both global and local, find the right leadership and teams to drive innovation and sustainable growth

As a member of the SBJBC, Delta Executive Search will actively participate in high-level discussions, business forums, and networking events aimed at promoting bilateral trade and investment. This engagement will not only enhance the firm's market intelligence and strategic insights but also facilitate the exchange of best practices and innovative solutions

The firm looks forward to working with Chris Ines-Hopkins, Matt Jones and the rest of the team at the SBJBC’s contributing to the mission of fostering stronger economic ties between Saudi Arabia and the UK


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